About me

So, you want to know about me huh? 

Well, since it's kind of important you know WHO I am if we're going to be working together, i'm an Actor, Voiceover and currently taking my first tentative steps into the world of SpAct (the halfway point between a background actor and a stunt performer).

I'm also a massive lover of chocolate, 80's cartoons (where most voiceovers my age discovered their love of the industry), and animals.

I have a Natural, 'Estuary' British accent that is perfectly suited for working on ADR, IVR as well as Documentary, Narration and Voice of God roles, though i'm certainly not limited to just those parts of the industry, having worked on several video games, TV shows and Radio.

You may also have seen me on such fantastic projects as Eastenders, Indiana Jones, Star Wars: Andor, Call the Midwife, the Devils Hour, and many, many other shows and movies.

To ensure my skills are up to date, I am always looking at honing my talents, whether that be behind the microphone, on stage, or on the big screen.

Amongst some of those I have trained with are RichCraft voices, True Edge stage combat, Creature Bionics Motion Capture, The MoCap Vaults, Sounds Wilde, and many others.

I've even started learning Blacksmithing for a role (and because it's great fun as well as a good workout!)

Always learning and striving to improve my pool of talents to ensure the best for myself and my clients.

Some of my Previous lovely Clients include:

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